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Block Island Ferry

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Fishing is relaxing, and as it often takes a long time to complete a fishing trip, we associate it with sweet, sweet vacation and down time. It can be satisfying to connect with your hunter/gatherer past and bring home the bounties of the ocean. And, with a rod and line, most anyone can be taught to catch a fish. So in the spirit of good, clean vacation fun, here are some fishing resources for Block Island.


Before you get your bait in the water, if you’re over 18, you’ll need a Rhode Island recreational fishing license. Pop over here to grab one, if need be. Next up: you’ll need to decide how you’ll be fishing. You can fish by boat: your own, or a chartered one through one of many great companies, such as Block Island FishworksFish the WorldHula Charters and Rooster Sport Fishing. Alternatively, choose a spot to surf cast, like the beaches at the base of Mohegan Bluffs and at Black Rock Point, or even Crescent Beach. The Old Harbor jetty off of Ballard’s Beach is said to be a productive spot. There’s even a book, Surfcasting Block Island and Cuttyhunk, should you wish to learn more. If you want to get recommendations on lines and the best types of bait, stop in at Twin Maples Bait & Tackle and they will get you set up.


If it’s your first time fishing around The Block, a daytime trip is a good idea. You’ll be able to see and enjoy beautiful Island surroundings, whether on the beach, jetty, or boat. But, if you’ve been fishing on Block Island a few times, a night time fishing trip is a nice change of pace. Did you know that there is bioluminescence in the water around Block Island most nights in the summer time? That can take a regular and enjoyable fishing trip and turn it into an otherworldly experience. Imagine glowing water lit from within, and seeing sparks and trails flying off the fins of the fish around your boat. Amazing!


Block Island’s waters are home to many delicious varieties of fish, such as striped bass, fluke, sea bass, black fish, scup, mahi-mahi, bonito, shark and more! Block Island is considered a striped bass mecca, and large 40+ pound Block Island ‘cows’ can be caught from May to November. All of these fish are good eating. If you’ve ever had fresh-caught fish, you know it’s so much better than what you can get at the store. Taking fish home for a special meal is a great way to cap off a successful fishing trip.

So pack your fishing pole, and Sail Away…

Photo Credits: @fishblockisland  @fishin_with_mikey